Viva Mexico!

After our fun with animals and fish the two previous days, we decided to give Mexicans a go and we headed down to Tijuana just across the Mexican border. After parking our car on the American side and walking over the landmark footbridge which crosses the automobile border, we passed through the one-way turnstiles and were in Mexico! My girlfriend was very excited about the whole trip and was amazed to actually see the three meter security fence complete with cameras, lights, and of course razor-wire. Nothing says unity like turning the "friendship park" into a DMZ. Click here!

In general TJ is a pretty dirty town like many of the other border towns that cater to tourists. Cheap drugs (both legal and illegal), discos, strip-clubs, brothels, and normal shopping areas, everything you could want is on sale in these little towns. TJ has progressed in the several years since I had last been there and as you can see in this photo there is even a Carl's Jr hamburger joint.

As you walk from America into TJ towards Revolution (the main tourists street) you cross a nasty urban river (above). This little map (bottom picture) is helpful in showing first time visitors the way because, at least before, wandering into the wrong areas is not recommended in border towns. Point in case: while we were walking along Revolution we saw some para-military unit drive past in a big SUV complete with black clothing and masks, and automatic weapons. The ones without masks didn't look to friendly. Then, about ten minutes later we saw a 'normal' military unit drive past in a large truck. They were in camo but also had automatic weapons. Additionally we saw about three police cars plus motorcycle cops and even cops walking the beat. All that before 11am on a Wednesday!

After all that police/military/Federales action we decided to have a bite to eat. Naturally we chose Mexican and we were not disappointed with the food. Excellent and at a great price!

For some reason there is a jai-ali museum at the top of Revolution. I am not really sure why but hey, why not?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


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