Under the Ray petting area you can look up into the bottom of the tank/pond/whatever you want to call it. There are several more types of marine life in there besides the rays.
Anyone just watch the impressive win Croatia got over Germany? The Germans looked frustrated from the get-go and ended with a red card. Well done Croatia. Now time to see what Poland can do against Austria.
were you into soccer when you lived in the u.s? or did you start getting into it when you moved to europe?
June 12, 2008
I watched a bit on TV and had been to two Galaxy matches so I guess I was a bit into it.
But in Europe it is something much different. American sports are *important* to Americans but nothing like football is to the fans in Europe (and probably the rest of the world). Its difficult to live here for four years and not get into it.
June 13, 2008