Introducing: Shamu

There is a sweet viewing area where the orca sleeping areas and the "Dine with Shamu" restaurant are located and these pictures are from there. We showed up right after one of the main Shamu shows so it was pretty empty (plus it was lunch time so there was a DWS show going on). The picture above is a composit of two others.

Wow, what a night of football. Germany beat by Croatia and Poland robbed of a victory because of the poor rules that FIFA and UEFA keep. There was nothing wrong with the call, he pulled the guy down by the shirt and thats a foul. It was in the box so it should have been a penalty kick. Simple. Except for the fact that calls are so subjective and basically up to the referee at the time. The biggest problem I have with football is that everyone has the "eh, its all even in the end" attitude. So the basis of the rules is that the referee will make enough mistakes in applying the rules so that the game, while poorly refereed, will be fair? Intersting attitude towards something called the Beautiful Game.

Friday, June 13, 2008


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