Landers is an interesting place. There is nothing in the way of industry or jobs and many of the people who live out there are basically the fringe of society. Take my friend for example. He is not really [insert your adjective of choice] but just doesn't fit into the 9 to 5 rat race mold. He is more comfortable racing across the desert in his dune buggy at, say, 4AM on a Monday morning than he is sitting in some office working on at a computer. And he is not alone. Another guy I know who lives out there never even tried the office thing. He worked in construction in LA but then moved to Landers to get away from all the people. Now he takes odd jobs and does his best to support his semi-crazy wife and their child.
Another story I heard was about all the drug abuse that goes on out there. My friend told me he has seen several people walking down his street talking to themselves. In the city this would be no big thing - the person probably has a hands free headset for his phone. But in Landers, where the houses are miles apart and the heat can be unbearable, its strange. Picture some unshaven guy with long scraggly hair and dirty jeans shuffling down a dirt road in the middle of the desert mumbling to himself. Sure, maybe his car is out of gas and he IS talking on his mobile. But chances are just as good that he is tweaking and has no idea where he is or where he's going. But in the desert it doesn't matter...
Here are a few photos of my friends house. Outside he has a bird bath while inside there is an old fashion stove for heating.
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