Fucking Americans

At a party I had this past weekend I was unlucky enough to meet the epitome of why everyone hates Americans. His name is Chris and he is in the Air Force. Intelligence according to what he said but I'll get to that. He came to the party at the invitation of my girlfriend's cousin. She was slightly interested in him so why not invite him and get to know him a bit better.

Once he arrived he began to tell my girlfriend how beautiful she was and how he has girlfriends all over the place. I managed to avoid him for quite some time (I knew what he was going to be like after my girlfriend came up to me pissed off). He must have been able to sense my disgust because once he did manage to corner me he was very hostile. He made the typical "You enjoy the freedom I provide" statements and then went on to explain how intelligent he was. He is, he claims, in Intelligence and currently working on his masters. When it was clear my lack of awe irritated him, I went on to explain that I had a PhD in chemistry and worked at the University of Cambridge. Not only was he unimpressed but he actually expressed doubt at my claims and went on to summarize my story in the following manner:

"So you are lying about working for the University and you are lying about having a PhD in chemistry. Does it make you feel good to tell such outrageous lies?"

I told him I could care less what he believed and walked away. Later, after the cousin was passed out upstairs, my girlfriend told me it was time for him to go so I passed along the message. He was (yet again) offended that someone he provided freedom for would dare kick him out and went on another tirade. I was eventually able to get him to the door when he made the proclamation that I had better not say anything behind his back because he was "going to kill me". Once again I told him I was unimpressed and that all he would get from me was apathy and that if he would "just leave that everything would be great". After a few more "going to kill you"s he finally left.

You have got to love it: when we send troops to fight in foreign countries they kill people. When we send troops to friendly countries they threaten to kill people. I guess I have had my allotment of "Shock and Awe"!

Go America!

Monday, October 16, 2006


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