Where are We Going?

All this political talk has got we fired up and thinking of England. (The politicians in England really give it to each other - if they think someone is a cunt they say it) So, we are going to go back in time a bit and look at the photos of England I took while living there. I had a motorcycle and was able to travel quite a bit so you will be seeing nearly the whole spectrum England has to offer.

One last quote from El Rusho (this is specifically for my father). He is talking about how Republicans who are dissatisfied should not, repeat SHOULD NOT, switch allegiance and go for a "third-party". Oh, they are welcome to be dissatisfied and have their own opinion, but if they vote for anyone other than Republicans they are unpatriotic, perhaps even communists. You see, many are starting to think the leaders of the party are out of touch (Who wants to invade Iraq?) and unresponsive to the realities of modern life (Soviet era fear tactics anyone? The Fascists are coming!).

So, to all my Republican friends out there: Please, don't be a hero. Do what your master says and vote Republican.

"Now, there are two aspects to this. We've got lots of sound bites coming up. But there are two aspects to this that I do want to share with you. My greatest concern about this is that there are -- I don't want to impugn anybody here -- but there's a possibility that this is going to lead to a third-party movement, and that's death. Third-party candidates succeed in one thing, and that is electing their alternatives. John Anderson, 1980, you had Perot in 1992. The temptation here is to go third party 'cause the Republican Party is not responsive."

Full article:

Tea Parties Were a Great Success, But Resist Third-Party Temptations.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


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