Space 50 - Garnica

So this is the famous "the River." The whole concept is a bit difficult to explain, and a summary would be like this. A mobile home park located twenty six miles from the closest town in the middle of the desert along a river. Doesn't really sound impressive but the River is absoultely fantastic. In the photo above you can see some of the toys available including the boat, the dune buggie (not a $65k one), one of the quads, plus a few of the little kid bicycles.

In the summer (or in March as in this picture), when its hot, you can lay by the water soaking up some rays. Temperatures can reach well over 100F (37C) in the summer but we 'only' had 80F (30C) while we were there. In Poland at the same time it would be an excellent day if the temperature reached 53F (12C).

Dispite the normal image the desert is actually quite beautiful. In this picture, taken from the boat, we can see some of the far off distant mountains.

Here is a photo taken from the boat.

And here is one of the palm trees on the beach. I have included this photo for everyone from Warsaw. This is what a real palm tree looks like, not some cheap ass plastic thing you put in the middle of an intersection.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


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