See if you can keep up with me on this post. Anyone ever seen the David Lynch movie 'Blue Velvet'? Fantastic. Especially the line where Dinnis Hopper's character says: "'Heineken'? Fuck that shit. Pabst, Blue Ribbon!" I saw the movie in college while I was a big Blue Ribbon drinker so it was especially funny to me.
Man, I hate the smell of cigarrette smoke. And kissing a woman who smokes reminds me of licking an ashtray like this one. Sexy huh...
Like many beautiful place where mankind goes the California desert is full of trash. Why is it so hard for people to pick-up after themselves? An extreme example happens twice a week in the little village where I live. There is a 'farmers market' down one of the main village streets and afterwards the street looks as if a plastic bag/cardboard box delivery truck has exploded. I can't understand how people could be so irresponsible. It is even more unbelievable that the city authorities allow it to happen - if they can't pick-up after themselves then they shouldn't be allowed to have the market.
While speaking of trash it is difficult not to think of President George Walker Bush. What a cunt. How could anyone so thoroughly screw up all the good will America had shortly after the September 11th attacks? He even pissed off our own Intelligence community who now release reports just to make him look the fool. Well done ace. I wore out my International Terrorist shirt but if someone wants to send me one for Christmas its still not too late. ;)
It is so nice to know that all your education has been put to such good use in developing your vocabulary.
December 27, 2007
lol - as an American, which I assume you are, you wouldn't understand, its a British thing...
January 05, 2008
So using crude language to describe someone (whether or not you agree or disagree with them) is a British thing? Since you aren't British what does that have to do anything? When in Rome....type of thing? How convenient!!
January 15, 2008
Using crude language to describe someone you dislike is common to all languages. In British Engilsh the word cunt is used much more often than in American English. Other terms (that the British use but not Americas) include bollocks, tosser, tosspot, wanker, wank, and, a combination of several great ones, cunty bollocks.
I will post more of the naughty "c" word soon...
January 16, 2008