Good buddies

Toshia is an amazing dog. She immediately loved me and would respond to my commands right away. We were able to get her to walk like a calm normal dog (i.e., no pulling on the lead this way and that) plus she was learning sit, stay, and lay down rapidly. She even accepted not jumping on the sofa nor sleeping in our bed if we would stay close to her. Although I am absolutely not a dog person her sweet personality won me over.

Unfortuantely my girlfriend's parents felt the same way and requested the dog back after only 6 days with us. They have more time to spend with her, and a car to drive her places, and cook her fresh chicken and beef. So it is better for her. They treat her like a spoiled child, however, which is bad because it makes her act-up, bark, etc...

Anyone thinking of getting an American Staffordshire Terrier should know they require so much attention. Not only to keep them in-line and calm but because they crave attention. Where ever I was in the house Toshia would want to be right next to me, sitting on my feet if she could. They are sweet animals but get excited quickly and really scare other people. These dogs are only for strong willed owners.

Friday, January 26, 2007


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